These are so wickedly absurdly good, I can't believe that I haven't discovered them earlier. "Oh?" You say. Yes, that's right, I do. These little veggie-curry-cakes are not only tasty, but full of cauliflower!
It has taken me a few disastrous attempts to recreate a friends' recipe, and trust me, the failed tries were so very bad, that I was skeptical that I should even try again. I had to though. Just trust me when I say that chickpea flour can be very, very bitter.
First off, it is easy to get tired of just eating plain old cauliflower and broccoli, and most improvements on taste, definitely forgo any reasons to eat these tree-like friends for health. Secondly, my kid will eat nearly anything. Okay, so the liver and onion pâté I made for dinner, he didn't really like. However, he does love to eat sautéed onions by the boatload, and will eat gobs of blackberries more tart than most lemons. But cauliflower? Broccoli? Forget it. Hide it? Ha! Disguise it? He'll still recognize it. But in these patties? It even stumped him! Although, he does love curries and spices in general.
I guess you could say that these are mostly potato cakes with a good swack of other veggies, and then some curry powder and cumin to liven things up.

The recipe makes 16 patties, but it is exceedingly difficult to not eat at least a few...

Cauliflower-Potato Cakes
Makes 16 patties
1/2 head cauliflower (3 cups), cut into large pieces
4 medium red potatoes, halved
4 medium new potatoes (white), halved
1/4 cup very finely diced red pepper
1/4 cup chopped green onion
1 tbsp chickpea flower (or other flour you prefer)
1 tbsp + 1 tsp salt
2 tsp curry powder
1/2 tsp ground cumin
extra virgin olive oil, or coconut oil for frying
1. In a large stock pot, cover all the vegetables, with water and bring to a boil with 1 tablespoon salt. Cook until the potatoes and cauliflower is fork tender. Drain, and let cool slightly.
2. In a large bowl, place the spices, chickpea flour, and 1 teaspoon of salt.
3. Add the vegetables to the bowl, and mash with a potato masher, and stir to combine everything together into a dough.
4. Using a griddle or nonstick skillet, heat 1 tablespoon of oil. Make patties by filling and ice cream scoop with the dough, release it onto the pan, and then flatten it into a pattie with a spatula. Cook on each side for 3-5 minutes, until golden brown. Consume immediately, or freeze for later. Enjoy! Follow my blog with Bloglovin