So you know how
sometimes get into the habit of eating the same thing over, and over, and then sooner or later you just don't really care to eat it anymore? Or ever again?
In the last few months, I went there... I did that terrible awful thing to my poor palate. I just ate my breakfast, and somehow came to the revelation that perhaps an entirely new breakfast, even just temporarily might be good. I guess you could say I was sick of the
same old thing.

Mango lassi it was.
I'm not really sure what started it, but I just had to have mangoes and yogurt and honey, and that was that. The rest has evolved, as my new breakfast of choice continues to develop. Honestly, I'm obsessed.
I just hope I don't get tired of this breakfast - it's just too good to ever go without!
Mango Lassi (2 ways)
I have tried this with the addition of some fresh raspberries, and it is quite lovely, and has a nice colour. Frozen raspberries would work as well, just add a bit more water to blend.
Serves 2
2 cups frozen mango (or 1 cup mango, and 1 cup fresh raspberries)
1 cup full-fat plain yogurt (plain is best, French vanilla works too, but can be overpowering)
3 tbsp flax oil (optional, add more water without)
1 tbsp honey if using French vanilla yogurt, 3 tbsp if plain yogurt
big pinch of cinnamon (or more to taste)
1/4 cup, or more, water
1. Add all of the ingredients to a blender. Begin to blend, starting on low to create enough suction. Add a bit more water, as necessary to get the mixture to blend thoroughly. It is best quite thick, so be careful not to add too much water. Taste and adjust the sweetness, as desired. Serve immediately; enjoy!
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I love delishes, flavorful, and healthy smoothies...This looks so yummy!
this looks wonderful. I have a smoothie every day (desperate attempt at weight control)
Mango in smoothies is the best! Looks so good, I'm not craving mango smoothie!
What a lovely reminder.
My mother used to make us mango and strawbery 'lassi' a lot in my childhood, I haven't had it for ages, thank you for bringing back fond memories. I must give this version a try.
A Mango Lassi is the desired market drink of The Monster. Asks for it every week. You may be creating your own monster there!
love anything and everything mango: this fits the bill!
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