
New US Bill to Outlaw Organic Farming?

Here's the link to explain the bill. Theoretically, some say you wouldn't be allowed to even grow a tomato at home. Truth? Or hoopla? What do you think?


  1. Ugh!! That sucks. I hope it doesn't pass. That makes me sad that greedy people/corporations always want to bring down the those that really kept the US going for the good of the country.

    I'm all for small farms and markets. I want to be able to grow my own tomatoes if I want to. What else are they going to try and put restrictions on what kind of toothpaste we use?

  2. I'm not surprised because it's corporations that want to keep money so they start out with the "middle man" who are in the way i.e. Farmers, Farmer Markets

    This sucks and I hope it does not get passed.

  3. This is just more glen beck/fox news hysteria. Mr. Beck did not even bother to use the correct name for the bill (replacing modernization with monitorization.. but I am sure that was by accident). It is getting so ridiculous that the writers at Glen Beck's show do not even pretend to present the facts anymore. Go here: http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=h111-875
    to see more information on this bill which will protect US citizens from contaminated food as we import more consumer packaged goods from overseas. Not only will this make sure the these goods are not contaminated it will also create jobs for US citizens. As always, thanks Glen Beck for your insight on these issues however as usual you have missed the mark.

  4. this is a great case of the media blowing things way out of proportion and making people crazy over something that isn't true...

  5. The fact that Glenn Beck latched on to this is reason enough not to worry about it being true. This is the guy that really believes a second US civil war is imminent.
