
Pink Peppercorn's been hijacked! .. and the ANSWER you all have been waiting for....

Mr. Pink Peppercorn here. Travel tip. If you are flying into Vegas, it is critical you stop at a grocery store on the way from the airport to the strip and pick up a bunch of fruit and a case of water. Water on the strip can be $5 per bottle, the case (24 bottles) for $3.88. Even with a $20 cab ride you are way ahead. With Gail’s endless lists of restaurants on the docket, I only had two "musts" this trip: The Happiest Place on Earth and the second one, the "Answer" can be found below! The Happiest Place on Earth is just that, a very happy, happy place. Also known as the Double D Saloon, it is nestled in the middle of nowhere just behind the strip on Paradise Road. It boasts many unique and colourful menu selections, including a bacon martini, which I did not have the opportunity to try (I will have to return!). Recently, Anthony Bourdain did a spot on it for his tv show No Reservations. Upon entering the “door” you are basically in a dark box. It took me a bit to get my bearings, but I figured at 11am I wasn’t going to be in too much danger. Although Gail and her folks opted to stay in the car, and after I went in, they watched a guy walk in with a giant garbage bin. They figured me for a goner. Wimps. Here is a picture of me on the way to the Double D Saloon (I think it's the legal name of this place). Photobucket The bar is lit with one 60-watt bulb on a very low dimmer setting and red Christmas lights. Not even the formidable Canon 5d MkII has a high enough ISO setting to take a picture in this place without a flash, and believe me, a flash in this place would not be an option. Behind the bar sat two gentlemen. The one who I assumed to be the bartender, was a young looking guy, half shaven with a tasteful assortment of piercings. The other guy was a little heavier-set and looked like he celebrated last Christmas in the same chair he was sitting in, and wasn't planning on leaving anytime soon. I came for the house specialty. "I need some a** juice and a couple of t-shirts." What else would you order at 11am on the day before Christmas Eve? "Regular a** juice, or holiday a** juice?" "What's the difference?" "Holiday a** juice has corn in it so you can see it again later; it is our present to you!” Well being in the festive mood, holiday a** juice is what I got. It came out of the fridge in a white bottle with a speed spout on it with a piece of masking tape on it reading “Holiday A** Juice”. It was free poured into a shot glass with a couple of niblets on top. Down it went. It tasted like a really old margarita with a bit of fizz. The texture of the corn was a nice touch too. And the answer you all have been waiting for.... Recently, Gail posted several photos here and here of my own search for a Las Vegas gastronomical delight. There were fresh flowers on the tables. Photobucket This should help a bit more. Photobucket The answer you've been waiting for! Photobucket Viva McDonald's. Opening just a few weeks ago, and seemingly never closing again (always open 24/7), Viva McDonald's is the newest addition to the McDonald's franchise on the strip. Boasting some 8600 square feet of space, funky seats, Murano glass light fixtures, fresh flowers, technological kitchen advances, and big-screen tv's; it is still like every other McDonalds on earth. Don't fret. This one featured a McCafé. So I braved the long lines, I waited an hour, and picked up a Big Mac meal and two cappuccinos. Photobucket The espresso machines are totally automated. The McDonalds drone presses the button, out comes hot milk from one spout and from another comes espresso. Bottom line…McCafe=McCrap. You are better off dying of thirst. Although the McDonald's channel, was perhaps more terrifying than the cappuccino's. Still, next time, I will stick to the coffee, and follow Gail's lists of restaurants exclusively. A humorous article about Viva McDonald's. Try it yourself - Viva McDonald's, 2896 Las Vegas Boulevard, Las Vegas, Nevada (across from The Riviera, and next to Circus Circus).


Shelby said...

LMBO. McDonalds gone all retro now. Funny!

gail said...

hehe, it really is kinda bizarre!

Anonymous said...

oh wow. Never would have guessed it's McD! Great build-up to it though.

Olga said...

I almost guessed it :)
I should have known it was a "classy" spot: the carnations were a dead giveaway! LOL

gail said...

hah! Olga you're hilarious!

The Short (dis)Order Cook said...

There was one photo where I thought it was a photo of Quark's on Deep Space Nine.

Laurie said...

Murano glass light fixtures.. wow! It's amazing when you think the kind of economy America is boasting and then.. Viva Mac Donald's.. it will probably do great! great reviews Gail and your trip sounds like it has been wonderful!

La Madame Chapeau said...

Surprising isn't it? lol

Though we have a different Mc in Nisantasi, Istanbul here. Different ith it's design. Different colours with luxirious seats etc. But menu is simple and same...

By the ay Gail, I often stop by and read your blog however cannot find enough time to write comments(my thoughts) everytime. But I do love your blog. So sincere, inspiring, open to exchanging thoughts and lovely.

Wishing you a happy new year, dear!

gail said...

BaL you are such a sweetie! And likewise!! Happy New Year :)

Meg said...

Fun post!Come visit my blog for an award that you totally deserve!

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